Patch groups are one way to organize patches to replicate later or share with other Meta Spark creators. This lesson prepares you to develop, manage and share patch groups. ...
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Effects can be rejected for performance reasons or because they go against Meta Spark Policies. This lesson helps you understand what to do if one of your effects is rejected. ...
Once your accounts are connected to Meta Spark Studio, you're ready to test your experience. This lesson prepares you to push your effect to your device and start using it. ...
Even if you're an experienced developer, the reactive programming used by Meta Spark Studio may seem unfamiliar or intimidating. This lesson introduces scripting and prepares you to use it in your effects. ...
Signals are useful for controlling audio in Meta Spark Studio, but they can also support scenes more broadly. This lesson introduces signals and some ways that you can use them. ...
Facebook, Instagram and Meta Spark Studio are frequently updated, which can lead to effects no longer being supported. This lesson prepares you to determine which effects need an update. ...
As you create projects in Meta Spark Studio, it's important to consider the parameters of the devices your audience will use. This lesson prepares you to develop effects within specific device parameters. ...
You can import several types of audio into your scenes in Meta Spark Studio. This lesson introduces you to different types of audio you can import and how to import them. ...
Creative briefs can be intimidating, but they are also central to the AR experiences you build for clients. This lesson prepares you to interpret creative briefs and extract the information you need to make sense of a project and begin your work in Meta Spark Studio. ...
You can add and edit light in a number of ways when working in Meta Spark Studio. This lesson prepares you to add, edit and optimize light in scenes and on objects to enhance your effect. ...
You can mimic real-world forces in Meta Spark Studio to create some interesting particle effects. This lesson prepares you to add forces such as gravity and air resistance to your particle system. ...
You can use Meta Spark Studio to create different types of experiences, such as sharing or group calling. This lesson prepares you to choose the right experience for your filter so that you can test it appropriately. ...
Some effects are difficult to test in Meta Spark Studio, and you might encounter bugs on your device that don't show up in the Simulator. This lesson explains why testing effects on an actual device is so important. ...
There are many different ways to build experiences in Meta Spark Studio, but you want to make sure a project makes sense within its parameters. This lesson prepares you to design a project scope for a successful build. ...
Once you assign materials to objects in Meta Spark Studio, you have to check to make sure they look the way you want them to. This lesson prepares you to assign materials and check how they look. ...
You can use different kinds of trackers to enhance scenes in Meta Spark Studio. This lesson introduces you to the different types of trackers available and provides some ideas of when you might want to use each. ...
Advanced render options control specific parameters of objects, including depth and depth buffer. This lesson prepares you to use the depth test and write to depth buffer to manipulate materials in Meta Spark Studio. Now you can [practice rendering a material]( ...
The face mesh is a 3D model of a face that works in tandem with the face tracker so you can add texture and color to people's faces. This lesson prepares you to set up and use the face mesh function in Meta Spark Studio. Download the [exercise file]( ...
The pack and unpack functions in Meta Spark Studio can be useful for many things, including audio values. This lesson prepares you to use these functions to make changes to audio in your effects. Now you can practice using [math patches]( ...
In Meta Spark Studio, you can use 2D texture images to create animations by adding your own textures and using an Animation Sequence patch. This lesson prepares you to import images, sprite sheets and animated GIFs for your animations. Download the [exercise file]( ...
This course prepares you to upload effects, update them downstream, navigate rejected effects and track the performance of your effects over time.
While your script can run in isolation, you can also connect it to patches in the Patch Editor. This lesson prepares you to manage inputs and outputs for your script and connect it to other patches. ... This lesson prepares you to write code in the reactive way used by Meta Spark Studio. ...
Meet Luke. Luke Hurd is a Spark AR creator that specializes in strategy and experience design in augmented reality. ... publish, videos, AR effects, design brief, creators, modules, assets, fundamentals, certification, educational course ...
It's time to start working on AR in 3D! This course prepares you to import and arrange assets, work with animation patches and patch groups, apply materials and textures, and position objects. ... This course prepares you to work with materials and shaders, and introduces the different kinds of light available in Meta Spark Studio.