Melalui kursus online Pengelola Komunitas, Anda akan memahami strategi membangun komunitas, serta mempelajari tentang cara memoderasi dan berinteraksi dengan komunitas online. Pelajaran disusun seputar topik yang bisa diterapkan pada komunitas nirlaba dan minat, serta merek dan agensi. Lihat program ini saat membangun, meningkatkan skala, dan menjalankan komunitas online Anda.

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Pustaka Konten Manajemen Komunitas
Define and establish a community
This course prepares you to build and maintain a meaningful community by defining its mission, goals and success criteria.
Develop community strategies and processes
In this course, you'll examine key processes that community managers use to build and scale their online communities.
Make strategic content decisions for a community
In this course, you'll explore best practices and tools for building an engaging content strategy for your community.
Engage and moderate a community
Engage and moderate your online community by onboarding new members, fostering personal connections and managing conflict.
Measure success and monetize a community
Learn ways you can measure your community's performance, make decisions based on insights and monetize to generate revenue.